Government in the small and virtue from all.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Socialist/Group Philosophy

Socialism is but the latest, more benevolent sounding name for the Collectivist philosophy that holds the group to be more important than the individual.  And that the people need the protection of a strong, powerful Government. 

The root cause is Fear.  A fear of inadequacy against a stronger power. 
A fear of criminals, a god, Emperor, King, Army, Satan, Hell, Corporations, corruption or even merely the abstraction of Evil or evil people that a person can't stand against.  The fear prompts a person to seek a stronger power to protect themselves.   Thus the alignment with and servitude to what ever power or authority people deemed to be strong enough to protect them from what is essentially the boogeyman.  
Today's illusion is that a central government is needed to protect us from selfish and corrupt coporations and people.

Only the realization that all earthly power and authority is a reflection of and weaker than the one trancendence frees us from the need to protect ourselves through dependence and servitude to gods, kings or the earthly power of big Government.   A slave is safe with a powerful master.  However the transcendence endows us with Life, Liberty, free will and purpose which allows us to psychologically overcome the false servitude and dependence on earthly power and authority and stand on our own as masters of our own destiny. 

We as a people don't have to be perfect, just decent enough to keep the need for government control to a minimum.

The main purpose of Socialist society is to make life safe and "fair and equal" for the victimized.   This philosophy comes naturally to most people as it is a projection of their own struggle.  Most people feel victimized, blame others, shy away from taking responsibility for their lives, feel powerless, feel that life is not fair and want revenge and play the game of one upsmanship.

This group or collective philosophy is also the foundation of Dictatorship, Theocracy, Communism, Fascism and National Socialism (Nazi).  It is also known as Left Wing, Progressive and even Liberal (A word usurped by the Progressives which used to mean individual liberty).

The Socialist philosophy divides the world into the evil Oppressor that has power, dominance and wealth and the weak, powerless Oppressed who are victims that are being kept down. 

The Government is the only entity powerful enough to protect the Oppressed against the Oppressor and equalize the powerful and the rich with those who are weak and poor.  The bigger, wealthier and more powerful the Government becomes the more society can be equalized. 

Contrast this with Foundational American Values where the responsibility for balance is on the individual and the small community either of family, location or ethnicity.
Motivation for charity is love directed to your fellow human that you see as equal to yourself.

Socialism is not about Love or caring.  It is about not feeling inferior.  It is characterized by disdain.  Disdain and dehumanization for whomever they are stealing from and for those that do not agree with them; disdain and pity for the victim they are helping and feeling superior to and finally the disdainful voice inside them that must constantly be negated with posturings of Superiority via put downs, sarcasm, hatred and anger.

For the Socialist, big government is always viewed as benevolent.  Even a tyrannical government is preferable to letting the poor victims go unprotected.  Socialist policies therefore always favor more government control and less individual freedom or responsibility. 

Socialist reality consists of groups; the Rich, the poor, the middle class, the underclass, the uninsured, labor, management, civilians, military industrial complex, corporations, non profits, non govermental organizations, Europe, America etc.

There is no individual responsibility for those in a lesser circumstance. They are "victims" and it would be immoral to hold them responsible for being victimized. Socialist policies therefore ignore individual responsibility as a factor and do not see the consequences of irresponsibility in their policies.

All individual outcomes need to be equalized to be fair. Those with more should yield their wealth to those with less.

Businesses must give up their profit and "rich" individuals their income.   Rich people and powerful corporations are Opressors and can't be trusted to help the poor oppressed. The government has to forcibly "re-distribute" their wealth and change the playing field of the free market to make sure the oppressed classes have equal results.  Black people must have affirmative action and Red people must have casinos. Poor farmers must be subsidized etc.

Only Socialist governments which foster equality are not oppressors. America which is still 60% capitalist is evil and must be torn down until it is all Socialist.

Animals and the planet are victims of the more powerful Humanity and must be protected from humans by the government even if it means giving up a hospital to preserve the habitat of a flea.  It is humanity's duty to give up their habitat because they are the opressor.

The Socialist always sides with the "Victim" and ignores reality, facts and common sense. 
We all should get along. No one should be greater than another. No country dominant. All results equal.

Unless for self defense of a direct attack, Military forces are oppressive. If you are not directly attacked or helping a country that has been directly attacked, going to war is Oppressive and evil.

Belief in God and Religion is a tool used by the Opressors to keep the victims sedated and calm ("Religion is the Opiate of the masses") so they don't rise up and revolt.   Religon is therefore exploitative.

Are you content with this fear based mentality that now controls the USA?

Socialist philosophy on taxes

In the Constitution, Federal taxes are for services performed for the general welfare such as the military. The taxes are levied on the States and apportioned by the amount of representation the State has in the Federal Government.

In Socialist philosophy taxes are for equalizing wealth and power and are apportioned based on the amount of profit a business makes or the amount of income an individual earns. 

Profit is looked upon as taking advantage of the consumer and an unfair taking of wealth.

It's not fair to be rich while others are poor.  It's not fair to be powerful while others are weak.   Hence they tax profit and minimize success. 

Our tax system is purely socialist.   In fact the terminology used when an entity is tax-exempt is a non-profit.

What Steps to take.

Note: Fundamental American Values is abbreviated as FAV.

The first and foremost is to unlearn the Socialist Philosophy and measure virtue according to the standard of FAV. 
Hopefully this blog will help.

Why FAV must be taught before society can change.

Teach Foundational American Values in civics classes so that all citizens know and understand their rights and responsibilities and what constitutes proper government.
Teach how FAV is different from Socialism and Islamism. Change the curiccula of our schools from Socialist indoctrination to individual achievement, Positive thinking, success principles and practicing virtue. Let the fastest help the slowest rather than handicapping the fastest.  Teach true history rather than Politically Correct Socialist/Atheist fiction. 

Stop throwing out the baby with the bathwater when it comes to Religion.  Judeo/Christian values are not the same as Religious Rituals.  No Religious rituals may be imposed however to be a free American and maintain liberty we the people must be self governed and self-controlled or the Government will control and rule over us in a tyranny.

Second - Repeal the 16th Ammendment that allowed Congress to steal your wealth and re-allocate it according to Socialist ideals and to control your lives through tax exemptions and rules.
Eliminate the IRS.
Eliminate all taxes except at consumption time.   All people pay the same percentage under this system and all consumers pay tax.  For more information on the Fair Tax proposal:  I disagree with their pre-bate on the principle that the poor are our individual and small community responsibility and must be supported by individual and community not the federal government which is based on theft.

Take a look at all the hidden taxes you are paying to the Socialists in government. The Socialist Pick Pocket

Restore State's Power.  Funding for the Federal government should go back to the original Constitution's method.  Funding coming from the States based on their proportion of representation in the Federal government and from some tariffs.

Financial support for the states comes from a flat consumption tax only on new goods with no exemptions and applicable to everyone, since everyone uses the state services. State services should only be for what is used by everyone in the state such as roads, state police...

Restore the original Constitutional appointment of Senators by the State legislatures to represent the interests of the States.  Individuals are already represented in the House of Representatives (hence the name.  lol).

Set Term limits even temporarily so Politicians aren't beholden to special interest money and have less time to become corrupted.  This will eliminate the game of Seniority that keeps the same corrupt Politicians in office. For more details see: Here Piggy Piggy

The party system has to go.  Parties consolidate too much power, money and control and legislate for their issues not the people's.  Parties foster a "Team" mentality that divides people and encourages them to vote for their "Team" to win rather than on the issues of their community.

Eliminate all Socialist victim based, do-gooder, government largesse "social" programs and give them back to voluntary charity or the local community.
One example of charity through individuals Network For Good.

Social Services at the Community level from local charitable contributions or if necessary local taxes billed to the home. Perhaps a manager for each community hired through local funds?

The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.  LOL. Do you have a better solution than this one given by William Shakespeare?  What's wrong with Lawyers is Socialist Laws.  Loser pays will eliminate many frivolous and harrasing lawsuits.  Raise the bar (Pun intended) for when a lawsuit is allowed to be brought.  Think through all ramifications and create case law precedence before enacting legislation. 

Re-evaluate and Restructure all Laws based on FAV.  And teach Lawyers FAV.  FAV case law precedence already exists in 60 volumes called the Talmud.

Make legislators Respect Truth and Stewardship by adding accountability and legal liability.  Legislators will have to think things through, vet all legislation through computer and business analysts to spot hidden flaws and consequences and do proper follow up and correction through feedback.

Add an option to choose none of the candidates in an election. If 51% vote "None" then new candidates must be chosen for a re-vote.

Give the President a line item veto. Better yet all bills should contain only one item. No more hiding pork inside thousand page documents of legalese.
Eliminate inefficiency and waste so the government needs less money.

Create a stable currency. A Federal Reserve that controls rates and the supply of money interferes with the free market.  FDIC supported by the banks to prevent runs on the banks makes sense but might not be necessary with a stable currency.

Military accounting and oversight. Stop supporting the Egyptian and other military.

Regulatory authority to the States not the Federal government?

Healthcare -  no one dies through lack of coverage.   Health professionals, clinics and hospitals will not refuse treatment if a life is in danger.  Compensation can come later from insurance, donation or just be writen off by all involved.  What about excessive pricing and freeloaders who claim not to have the funds but do.  Eliminate Artificial prices by taking government intervention away.  Remove price and wage controls and restore the ability of the Doctor to charge the market rate even if that is a LOWER rate for those that are poor.

Remove Government coverage requirements.  Restore the ability of insurance companies to offer less expensive policies that cover less.  Allow all competition across states and from foreign sources. 

Kuai we don't need the government

A great example of  Why we don't need the government when our local communities can do the job without the massive theft and waste of the Government.

A Kuai community completed repair work that the State government said would take two million dollars and four years in 8 DAYS with volunteers at NO COST TO TAXPAYERS.

Socialism is Anti-Semitism and Anti-American

"The great error of contemporary social thought is that poverty must result from “discrimination” or “exploitation.” Because Jews tend to be overrepresented at the pinnacles of excellence, a dogmatic belief that nature favors equal outcomes fosters hostility to capitalism and leads inexorably to anti-Semitism." - George Gilder

A simple test
"The [Israel] test can be summarized by a few questions: What is your attitude toward people who excel you in the creation of wealth or in other accomplishments? Do you aspire to their excellence or do you seethe at it? Do you admire and celebrate exceptional achievement or do you impugn it and seek to tear it down?" - George Gilder

Socialists believe that by you enriching yourself you are taking something away from them.  There is a limited supply of wealth and you are hogging your share.  They are angry at exellence and will tear down those who excel - Jews and Americans who live by Foundational American Values.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Contrasting Philosophies - The Middle East

Israel and the Jews
To the Socialist, powerful Countries are always oppressors or Occupiers.  When little Israel was up against the powerful Arab countries that surrounded it, the Socialist world sided with poor weak Israel. However when Israel's military in 1967 proved to be more powerful than they thought, Israel's status changed in the eyes of the Socialist. Taking advantage of this Socialist blind spot, the powerful Islamic countries who fund and support the terrorists hide behind the facade of "Palestinian refugees" so that Israel stays more powerful by comparison and loses the Socialist World's support as the Oppressor.
The saying one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter is a Socialist view. That is why Hitler had to create propaganda that made the Jews seem to be in control of the world and it's wealth. If so , the Jews were Powerful and Germany the weak victim. Thus it was morally justified to beat up, exclude, deport and ultimately kill the Jews.

According to Foundational American Values (FAV), we see the "Palestinians" as they are; brainwashed Islamic Fundamentalists who are wrong because they are using terrorism to kill innocents and wish to commit genocide on all Jews and destroy Israel.  It is immoral and there is no excuse based on supposed victimhood.  Israel is our ally and the only free country in the Middle East. We defend our allies. 

Why is the word Terrorism not used in the Media?
If Homicide Bombers are on the weaker side then they are considered by the Socialist Philosophy to be using the only means available to fight their more powerful enemy (by definition an opressor).  They are morally excused for blowing up innocent Israeli Women and children because they are oppressed and are merely fighting the power.
That's why the Socialist Media will not refer to them as Terrorists.  In their judgement they are only freedom fighters.   However when the military of a powerful country fights back and there are civilian casualties (even if held as human shields) that country is called Terrorist. Eg The USA in Iraq and Afghanistan or Israel in Gaza.

Why we butt heads on the Solution to Islamic Terrorism
Foundational Americans understand that Islamic Terrorism is motivated solely by the Terrorist's religious beliefs.  Islamic Terrorists are trained and conditioned to believe Islam is the only true religion and that all non Muslims must convert, submit to Muslim rule and pay tribute - if they believe in one G-d - or die.   So called "Radical" Islam justifies mass murder of even women and children as self defense.  All land conquered by Muslims is Muslim land forever.  Any other people on the land are trespassing and invading and so are not to be considered innocent but rather as soldiers.  Violating treaties, lying, prostitution, imprisonment, drugs, child porn and abuse, kidnapping, torture, rape, dismemberment, mass murder and any heinous crime is justified as long as it furthers Islam.  The ends justify the means.

In Socialist philosophy there is no such thing as Islamic Terrorism.  The Socialist views what we call terrorists as poor oppressed people fighting for land, freedom or rights who would stop fighting if only we provide economic opportunity and build roads and schools. They do not perceive that Islamic terrorists are not poor and consider dying to be martyrdom and a quick way to Paradise. What they want is not prosperity but rather conversion to Islam and world dominance.

The FAV solution is to defeat their religion, change their regime and morality and maintain superior power.  And the same solution applies to Islamic Terrorism :-)

Contrasting Philosophies

Bias, Prejudice
Foundational American Values - All are treated equally 

Socialism - The Socialist philosophy is inherently biased and prejudiced towards the "vicitm" (which includes themselves). From this perspective those that treat others without bias or prejudice are biased against the victim.  In their eyes this must be due to prejudice or racism.  
Anyone not subscribing to Socialism is treated with contempt and must either be silenced and stopped by any means they can justify or they must be discredited and dismissed.   

Goals and the definition of Success and Victory
Foundational American Values - The goal is maximizing individual freedom and safety through individual rights and responsibilities.  Local government is the only intelligent government.  Government in the small or not at all. 

Socialists - The goal is equalizing individual results through total group and government control.  The victim is always right.  The rich, large or powerful are always wrong.  Our self esteem is based on having victims to protect and feel superior to. 

The Constitution
Foundational American Values - The purpose of this document is to define the boundries of our Society and limit the powers of the Federal government. 

Socialism - What's a Constitution? It's just some old piece of paper that nobody reads.  Why would anyone want to limit the government? 

Consequences - Look before you leap!
Foundational American Values - Think things through.  First do no harm. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Socialism - In almost all cases for lack of thinking about consequences, the "good" Socialism achieves is overwhelmed by the enormous amount of damage it does in attaining its goal of "helping" victims (as a group of course :-).   For the
Socialist, good intentions count more than terrible results. In fact President Obama was voted for the Nobel Peace Prize only 11 days after he took office for good intentions and no results at all.
Right of way also means don't get in the way. 
Foundational American Values - Even something as simple seeming as right of way is affected by the contrasting philosophies. 

As a pedestrian you may have the right of way but you'd better be responsible enough to be alert and not get in the way or you will be run down. 

The pedestrian in a society with Foundational American Values accepts responsibility.  They keep their behavior safe.  They don't cross in the middle of the block, look both ways and cross the street when it's clear.   The driver accepts responsibility to watch out for pedestrians and modulate their speed as needed.  Both Driver and pedestrian co-exist with full liberty.

Socialism - Under Socialist values the pedestrian is in the weaker position and would be the victim in a collision with a more powerful car.   Since the pedestrian is a victim we can't expect them to have any responsibility only rights.   Under Socialist values, right of way means that Drivers of the powerful vehicles are solely responsible  to look out for pedestrians no matter what unsafe actions the pedestrain takes.

The driver can not be trusted with the power of the car and the pedestrian is not expected to exercise responsible behavior so the government has to license drivers, impose "safety" restrictions with speed bumps, speed limits, signs, crosswalks, traffic obstructions and detours, car free zones, police enforcement, tickets, fines, courts and even suspension of the driver's right to operate a motor vehicle.

Are we operating under Socialist values?  You Betcha.   The empahasis on Pedestrian responsibility is gone.

It's been 40 years since I last heard the jingle:
Don't cross the street in the middle,
in the middle, in the middle of the block.
Teach your eyes to look out

Teach your ears to hear
Walk up to the corner
Where the coast is clear
And wait, and wait,
And wait until the light turn green.

Hate Speech
Foundational American Values - Only speech that is directly inciteful to harming another physically is censored.
Harming others by insults and derogatory speech is not censored but the speaker is responsible for their consequence.  Speech out of anger requires the responsibility of asking forgiveness of the ones harmed. Defamation and Libel that causes monetary harm or harms a reputation requires monetary compensation.

Socialism - Socialists censor and punish any speech that is derogatory to those they classify as victims.  Speaking hatefully to or about an opressor is deemed necessary and even encouraged.  It is only hate speech if aimed at victims or those that help vicitms. 

Saying Death to America or Death to Bush is fine.  But if said about Obama it's treason. 
Insulting words about black (victims) race is treason.  But white race baiting and saying White boy, cracker or honkey are fine. 
Bush lied people died is fine.  "You lie" said to Obama about excluding illegal aliens from support under his health care bill is reason for censure of a Congressman.

Government Deficit Spending
Foundational American Values -  Borrow only in times of war.  Spend only on what is necessary.  Pay back in honest measure with a stable currency.

Socialism - Borrow as much as you can and pay back with more borrowed money until the Ponzi scheme is revealed.  Then Devalue your currency (print more money) and raise taxes.  If society collapses it won't be on your watch.

Use the Federal Reserve or Central Bank to exert control.

Qualification to be a Legislator

Who protects us from our "protectors"?

We rely on a series of professionals to create, evaluate and prescribe Medications which controls us from the inside.

Do we have any professionals to protect us from bad Laws, regulations and statutes that control us from the outside?

To create safe efficacious medicine Drug companies employ teams of specialists with hundreds of years of  cumulative experience in biology, genetics, chemistry and other fields related to our bodies.   They conduct hundreds of tests via simulation on a computer, animal testing and clinical trials on humans.  We have a process through the FDA that evaluates and certifies medications before they are allowed to be disseminated.  We have Doctors who evaluate our specific needs and prescribe the correct medications.  Doctors are certified and operate under the hippocratic oath of "First do no Harm".  

What code of ethics does Congress operate under?  What certification do they have? 

What qualifications are needed for those that create the laws that control our lives?

They (supposedly) represent the interest of their constituentcy.  Is that enough?

The make laws so shouldn't they be professionals in the field of law? 

Which professionals?
Lawyers, who present the law before a judge either in the role of prosecutor or defender? 
Judges who evaluate if laws are appropriate and how they apply?
Police who enforce the law?
Perhaps but that's Civil law. 

How about moral law?
What about Orthodox Rabbis?  They are experts in Talmudic Law and often fill the role of judges.
How about Priests and Imams?

And how about Tax law? 
Should they be accountants?

Laws create systems of processes.
Shouldn't they be business and software analyts?

Laws have major impact on our economy. 
Shouldn't they be economists?

How about all the other fields that the laws affect.  Agriculture, Medicine, Insurance, Military etc.

The one profession Legislators do not have to know - ask anyone - is Quality Assurance.  (LOL)

Thought experiments, public opinion polls, photo-ops and endless rhetoric are no substitues for simulation and field trials.  It is also essential to get feedback even after the law is propagated.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Lawyers allowed to run amok in a Socialist environment have driven up the cost of everything.

Why should a Doctor be responsible for a person that neglected their health for 50 years?  Only Socialist Philosophy that removes all responsibility from the victim and the Lawyers who sue make it so.  

 Lawyers increase Health Care costs by forcing doctors to test for everything to avoid being sued for neglect and through malpractice insurance's rising price. 

Lawyers, who represent one side and carry the Socialist Philosophy of always representing the victim into Judgeship are destroying our Constitution's boundries on government.  Judges are first Lawyers. Judges need to treat both sides equally.  The two professions seem to be at odds.  A judge who is still a Lawyer is not qualified to Judge impartially. 

President Obama is a Lawyer.  So is his wife.   They are also Socialists and community activists.

Every Democrat nominee since 1984 went to law school (although Gore did not graduate).
Every Democrat vice presidential nominee since 1976, except for Lloyd Bentsen, went to law school.
Harry Reid is a lawyer.  Nancy Pelosi is a lawyer.

Republicans who still represent Foundational American values are business people, doctors, farmers, teachers - real people doing real work... who are often the targets of lawyers.

Lawyers fight for their client - the victim - against the opposing party.  The lawyers view is the same as the Socialist's view.  
Lawyers always parse language to favor their side as do Socialists.  They put down and demonize the other side as the Democrats put down and demonize Republicans.
Lawyers use the power of government (the legal branch) to force the opposing party to yield their wealth to their client (victim) just as the Socialist does to equalize results.

Do we limit lawyers or do we fix the laws?  Let's see what fixing the Law does.  All Laws must be re-evaluated, reconstructed or eliminated if they do not meet the criteria of FAV.

When the Communists take over, that's what they do.  Shouldn't we eliminate the Communist laws from our books?

Friday, October 2, 2009


The people had a choice and they chose the Socialists and their values.  Now they have to live with it.
There is only the Socialist option.  The people do not know all their choices.  Education and media predominantly present Socialist values.   Democrat and Republican are also heavily influenced by Socialist values.  Only when all the citizens understand both Socialism and FAV can it be said they made a choice. 

People elect the politicians and can throw them out. 
The system is rigged so that you can't throw them out without paying a heavy price.   Because of the seniority scheme politicians set up for themselves, if you don't re-elect your representative you lose the clout to funnel money to your town, district or state.  See: Taxes - The Socialist Piggy Bank  The solution is term limits and restoring the Constitutional empowerment of the States to collect taxes and fund the Federal government rather than the other way around as it is now.  

People willingly pay income tax so it can't be stealing.
People are not willing to be penalized rather than willing to pay.  Income taxes are imposed under threat of penalty.

Are you willingly handing over your money to a robber with a gun or avoiding being killed?    If you are robbed every week by a protection racket and you pay regularly are you willing? 

If the protection racket has gone on for many generations the grandchildren may even think it's normal to pay and even believe it  is an obligation.  This was the norm under the Feudal system of peasants, Noblemen and Kings.  This is the norm under our Socialist progressive income tax system that was unconstitutional until 1913.  It required a Constitutional ammendment and the collusion of Left wing Supreme Court Justices to redefine Direct taxes as excise taxes to set the present system into place. 

All politicians claim they are telling the truth even when they are contradicting each other. How can you figure out the truth?
You need an interperter.   Politicians are not speaking the same language as you and I.  It sounds like English but the meaning of the words are changed.   They are deliberately choosing words as lawyers do, to confuse you.   They change words so that a lie sounds like the truth.  Or they redefine a lie as truth so repeating it is telling the truth.  Remember "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"?  If oral sex is not considered sexual relations then Clinton could truthfully say that the charges against him are false.  You won't see a dime in tax increases doesn't mean there won't be tax increases.  It only means that you won't see them.  They will be hidden tax increases through inflation, business tax etc. 
Fox news presents both Democrats and Republicans while NBC and the networks only present the Democrat view.  So how can Democrats claim that FOX is biased?  They have redefined Fair and Balanced to mean the Democrat view.  If you don't agree with them then you are a liar and biased. If you speak up at a Town Hall then you are a Mob.  

Words like Success, goals, change, Democracy, Fair, Activist have different meanings depending on your base Philosophy.   

Who will protect labor from the sweat shop employer, big faceless corporations and other opressors if not the government?
The people have a lot more power than the government credits them with.  We have community shunning and displeasure with the owners employees and stockholders, protests, Negative media exposure, boycotts, stock divesture by mutual funds, the internet, watchdog groups and greater competition for workers if the government butts out. 

Isn't morality relative.  Why are your morals better than mine or no morals at all?
Morality is a code of conduct within society.  All societies even animal ones have a code of conduct and indeed must for their society to function.   The function of morality is not relative.  The code of conduct of a giraffe society may be no better or worse than one for a lion society from an outside perspective but is of utmost relevance from within those two societies. 

Morality is constructed based on the purpose or foundation of the society.  Judgement of better or worse morality is based on comparing the results of the morality to the purpose and foundation of your society.   Ours is the sanctity of life based on a trancendent authority and power and maximizing individual freedom while also maximizing living together in peace and unity. 

Islamic society's purpose for example is to convert the world to their Religion.  Their morality and code of conduct justify any action even ones we would find morally reprehensible based on the goals of our society. 

Our judgement of morality is relative not morality itself.   Better or worse are the relative terms.   That's true however we must discern and exercise our judgement and decide which morals create a society that wwe want to live in.   Judgement isn't always correct.  A sociopath or addicts judgement is skewed and morality is not observed.   Do y that they can murder their pleasure or addiction is

Why do we need this? 
To balance safety and freedom.
Let's say you are walking in a crosswalk across a 4 way street.  The people driving the cars to either side of you are stopped obeying a red light.  The cars trying to turn and enter the intersection are stopped because you have the right of way.  Have you ever stopped to consider that the Right of Way is based on the principle of preserving life and that the drivers are stopped because they are being moral?   Without principles and standards of morality you would be run down and killed.    

How can you be against [insert social program] it's for the children?
At the expense of massive debt that we saddle our children with paying.  

You are despicable if you don't support [insert social program].  You have no compassion or humanity.
Government programs are Protection Rackets or Ponzi schemes.  A Protection Racket extorts money from you for Protection from the extortionists themeselves. The solution is to get rid of the extortionists.  The government program caused or excacerbated the problem it is treating and is taking advantage of your sense of compassion and humanity to defraud you of your wealth and freedom of choice.   The solution is to withdraw all support for the Government Protection Racket.

Isn't Capitalism evil?
It is Socialist government collusion to game the free market system that is Evil.  The free market system itself, when not interfered with, can not take advantage of anyone as its power is decentralized.  Socialism dictates the market and is the cause of the suffering and evil ascribed to Capitalism.

What's the advantage of a free market?


Socialism is compassionate?

Contrast Socialism to Free market.

What about those big corporations?
In collusion with government they create regulations that effectively give themselves a monopoly or at least knock out their competition.  Government regulation influenced by special interests is the problem.  The answer is to remove the need for lobbyists and special interests by taking away taxing authority from the Federal Government and putting it back into the hands of the States as the constitution specified before the 16th ammendment.  Competition must be protected.

What about Consumer Affairs?  Who will be the consumer's advocate if not the government?
Consumer affairs is a job for Judges and their staff not a state beaurucracy. Government enforces the law.  An impartial Judge must decide before enforcement is called in.