Government in the small and virtue from all.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

What Steps to take.

Note: Fundamental American Values is abbreviated as FAV.

The first and foremost is to unlearn the Socialist Philosophy and measure virtue according to the standard of FAV. 
Hopefully this blog will help.

Why FAV must be taught before society can change.

Teach Foundational American Values in civics classes so that all citizens know and understand their rights and responsibilities and what constitutes proper government.
Teach how FAV is different from Socialism and Islamism. Change the curiccula of our schools from Socialist indoctrination to individual achievement, Positive thinking, success principles and practicing virtue. Let the fastest help the slowest rather than handicapping the fastest.  Teach true history rather than Politically Correct Socialist/Atheist fiction. 

Stop throwing out the baby with the bathwater when it comes to Religion.  Judeo/Christian values are not the same as Religious Rituals.  No Religious rituals may be imposed however to be a free American and maintain liberty we the people must be self governed and self-controlled or the Government will control and rule over us in a tyranny.

Second - Repeal the 16th Ammendment that allowed Congress to steal your wealth and re-allocate it according to Socialist ideals and to control your lives through tax exemptions and rules.
Eliminate the IRS.
Eliminate all taxes except at consumption time.   All people pay the same percentage under this system and all consumers pay tax.  For more information on the Fair Tax proposal:  I disagree with their pre-bate on the principle that the poor are our individual and small community responsibility and must be supported by individual and community not the federal government which is based on theft.

Take a look at all the hidden taxes you are paying to the Socialists in government. The Socialist Pick Pocket

Restore State's Power.  Funding for the Federal government should go back to the original Constitution's method.  Funding coming from the States based on their proportion of representation in the Federal government and from some tariffs.

Financial support for the states comes from a flat consumption tax only on new goods with no exemptions and applicable to everyone, since everyone uses the state services. State services should only be for what is used by everyone in the state such as roads, state police...

Restore the original Constitutional appointment of Senators by the State legislatures to represent the interests of the States.  Individuals are already represented in the House of Representatives (hence the name.  lol).

Set Term limits even temporarily so Politicians aren't beholden to special interest money and have less time to become corrupted.  This will eliminate the game of Seniority that keeps the same corrupt Politicians in office. For more details see: Here Piggy Piggy

The party system has to go.  Parties consolidate too much power, money and control and legislate for their issues not the people's.  Parties foster a "Team" mentality that divides people and encourages them to vote for their "Team" to win rather than on the issues of their community.

Eliminate all Socialist victim based, do-gooder, government largesse "social" programs and give them back to voluntary charity or the local community.
One example of charity through individuals Network For Good.

Social Services at the Community level from local charitable contributions or if necessary local taxes billed to the home. Perhaps a manager for each community hired through local funds?

The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.  LOL. Do you have a better solution than this one given by William Shakespeare?  What's wrong with Lawyers is Socialist Laws.  Loser pays will eliminate many frivolous and harrasing lawsuits.  Raise the bar (Pun intended) for when a lawsuit is allowed to be brought.  Think through all ramifications and create case law precedence before enacting legislation. 

Re-evaluate and Restructure all Laws based on FAV.  And teach Lawyers FAV.  FAV case law precedence already exists in 60 volumes called the Talmud.

Make legislators Respect Truth and Stewardship by adding accountability and legal liability.  Legislators will have to think things through, vet all legislation through computer and business analysts to spot hidden flaws and consequences and do proper follow up and correction through feedback.

Add an option to choose none of the candidates in an election. If 51% vote "None" then new candidates must be chosen for a re-vote.

Give the President a line item veto. Better yet all bills should contain only one item. No more hiding pork inside thousand page documents of legalese.
Eliminate inefficiency and waste so the government needs less money.

Create a stable currency. A Federal Reserve that controls rates and the supply of money interferes with the free market.  FDIC supported by the banks to prevent runs on the banks makes sense but might not be necessary with a stable currency.

Military accounting and oversight. Stop supporting the Egyptian and other military.

Regulatory authority to the States not the Federal government?

Healthcare -  no one dies through lack of coverage.   Health professionals, clinics and hospitals will not refuse treatment if a life is in danger.  Compensation can come later from insurance, donation or just be writen off by all involved.  What about excessive pricing and freeloaders who claim not to have the funds but do.  Eliminate Artificial prices by taking government intervention away.  Remove price and wage controls and restore the ability of the Doctor to charge the market rate even if that is a LOWER rate for those that are poor.

Remove Government coverage requirements.  Restore the ability of insurance companies to offer less expensive policies that cover less.  Allow all competition across states and from foreign sources. 

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