Government in the small and virtue from all.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Socialist/Group Philosophy

Socialism is but the latest, more benevolent sounding name for the Collectivist philosophy that holds the group to be more important than the individual.  And that the people need the protection of a strong, powerful Government. 

The root cause is Fear.  A fear of inadequacy against a stronger power. 
A fear of criminals, a god, Emperor, King, Army, Satan, Hell, Corporations, corruption or even merely the abstraction of Evil or evil people that a person can't stand against.  The fear prompts a person to seek a stronger power to protect themselves.   Thus the alignment with and servitude to what ever power or authority people deemed to be strong enough to protect them from what is essentially the boogeyman.  
Today's illusion is that a central government is needed to protect us from selfish and corrupt coporations and people.

Only the realization that all earthly power and authority is a reflection of and weaker than the one trancendence frees us from the need to protect ourselves through dependence and servitude to gods, kings or the earthly power of big Government.   A slave is safe with a powerful master.  However the transcendence endows us with Life, Liberty, free will and purpose which allows us to psychologically overcome the false servitude and dependence on earthly power and authority and stand on our own as masters of our own destiny. 

We as a people don't have to be perfect, just decent enough to keep the need for government control to a minimum.

The main purpose of Socialist society is to make life safe and "fair and equal" for the victimized.   This philosophy comes naturally to most people as it is a projection of their own struggle.  Most people feel victimized, blame others, shy away from taking responsibility for their lives, feel powerless, feel that life is not fair and want revenge and play the game of one upsmanship.

This group or collective philosophy is also the foundation of Dictatorship, Theocracy, Communism, Fascism and National Socialism (Nazi).  It is also known as Left Wing, Progressive and even Liberal (A word usurped by the Progressives which used to mean individual liberty).

The Socialist philosophy divides the world into the evil Oppressor that has power, dominance and wealth and the weak, powerless Oppressed who are victims that are being kept down. 

The Government is the only entity powerful enough to protect the Oppressed against the Oppressor and equalize the powerful and the rich with those who are weak and poor.  The bigger, wealthier and more powerful the Government becomes the more society can be equalized. 

Contrast this with Foundational American Values where the responsibility for balance is on the individual and the small community either of family, location or ethnicity.
Motivation for charity is love directed to your fellow human that you see as equal to yourself.

Socialism is not about Love or caring.  It is about not feeling inferior.  It is characterized by disdain.  Disdain and dehumanization for whomever they are stealing from and for those that do not agree with them; disdain and pity for the victim they are helping and feeling superior to and finally the disdainful voice inside them that must constantly be negated with posturings of Superiority via put downs, sarcasm, hatred and anger.

For the Socialist, big government is always viewed as benevolent.  Even a tyrannical government is preferable to letting the poor victims go unprotected.  Socialist policies therefore always favor more government control and less individual freedom or responsibility. 

Socialist reality consists of groups; the Rich, the poor, the middle class, the underclass, the uninsured, labor, management, civilians, military industrial complex, corporations, non profits, non govermental organizations, Europe, America etc.

There is no individual responsibility for those in a lesser circumstance. They are "victims" and it would be immoral to hold them responsible for being victimized. Socialist policies therefore ignore individual responsibility as a factor and do not see the consequences of irresponsibility in their policies.

All individual outcomes need to be equalized to be fair. Those with more should yield their wealth to those with less.

Businesses must give up their profit and "rich" individuals their income.   Rich people and powerful corporations are Opressors and can't be trusted to help the poor oppressed. The government has to forcibly "re-distribute" their wealth and change the playing field of the free market to make sure the oppressed classes have equal results.  Black people must have affirmative action and Red people must have casinos. Poor farmers must be subsidized etc.

Only Socialist governments which foster equality are not oppressors. America which is still 60% capitalist is evil and must be torn down until it is all Socialist.

Animals and the planet are victims of the more powerful Humanity and must be protected from humans by the government even if it means giving up a hospital to preserve the habitat of a flea.  It is humanity's duty to give up their habitat because they are the opressor.

The Socialist always sides with the "Victim" and ignores reality, facts and common sense. 
We all should get along. No one should be greater than another. No country dominant. All results equal.

Unless for self defense of a direct attack, Military forces are oppressive. If you are not directly attacked or helping a country that has been directly attacked, going to war is Oppressive and evil.

Belief in God and Religion is a tool used by the Opressors to keep the victims sedated and calm ("Religion is the Opiate of the masses") so they don't rise up and revolt.   Religon is therefore exploitative.

Are you content with this fear based mentality that now controls the USA?

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