It is time to choose whether our actions and government will be motivated by mindful love that celebrates achievement or by primitive fear and jealousy that seeks to tear everything down.
We are Right and they are Wrong - The Wilkow Majority
To the Socialist this statement sounds abhorent and discriminatory. Right is determined by who is the victim not some absolute morality. However this type of affirmation can be helpful in combating the confusion caused by Socialist propaganda/hypnosis that is so prevalent in the USA.
See: Am I in a trance?
We are inundated by movies, news, politics, print and digital media, education and thousands of regulations, laws and policies based on Socialist philosophy that have been foisted on the country.
Socialist philosophy as well as Radical Islamic/ Jihadist/Islamist philosophy is antithetical and dangerous to the foundational principles, ethics, morality and responsibilties of our society. Socialism and Islamism are destructive, tyranical philosophies that take away individual freedom and destroy any semblance of a Foundational American society.
It is either Foundational American or their philosophy!!
It is impossible to mix ours with theirs without the individuals of the USA declining in wealth and character and eventually destroying our economy and society.
We must choose between the blessing and the curse so to speak. Choosing our way leads to life. Choosing Radical Islam or Socialism does not.
The struggle to abolish our servitude to Socialism is akin to what we went through in abolishing Slavery. Imagining life without Slavery required an extraordinary effort. The same reasons that led to inertia and resistance to abolition then, are present today in respect to our Socialist policies. 10 reasons why Slavery took so long to abolish. We did it then and we can still do it now.
Socialists and Islamists are not swayed by Foundational American Values and neither should we be swayed by theirs.
Although we are taught not to reject anyone based on their beliefs and that it is wrong to discriminate, please realize that is a Socialist philosophy. We must be able to use our faculties of discrimination to weed out what is right for us from what is wrong.
In any case, Foundational American values do not reject the individual Muslim or Socialist but we must reject their philosophy and skewed (From our perspective) beliefs.
It is a war for the survival of the great United States Social experiment and we have already surrendered too much. This is a call to wake up from the hypnotic trance they create through propaganda and the media and take back the USA. Victory is returning the USA to its foundational values and throwing out all Socialist values and systems.
"Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts - not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
-- Abraham Lincoln
Friday, November 27, 2009
Foundational American Values
You who are on the road must have a code that you can live by... Teach your children well. - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.
Individual Human Beings form a society to magnify what they can accomplish as individuals.
The purpose of society is to maximize the amount of freedom for each individual while maintaining their safety and security.
For society to function and support the highest quality of life for it's members there must be an agreement between it's individuals to observe a common foundation of individual rights, responsibilities, principles, morality and a code of ethics.
Government, consisting of individuals given power by individuals, must be constrained and it's decisions informed, by this common foundation.
This common foundation outlines the boundries which shape our society. Without the boundry of our skin we couldn’t live. Without the boundries of time and space we could not exist. Without boundries society can not function.
Our society's foundation documents are the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States.
The founding documents are based on, but only partially codified the society's ["Judeo-Christian"] morals, ethics, principles and responsibilities. These were considered general knowledge and self evident during the Founder's time.
This lack of explicitness has made it easier for Politicians, Educators, Media and "Judges" to lead our country adrift with policies and education based on the foreign "morality" of Socialism, Enviromentalism, Racism, Atheism, moral relativism, Darwinism, Humanism, Islamism and other societal systems based on elitist government control of supposedly unworthy or inferior individuals. This is antithetical to the survival of our society and it's economy. We have moved from the middle balance toward Tyranny on the left.
We therefore believe it is timely and proper to clarify and codify the common foundation necessary for our United States Society with explanations, ramifications and prescriptions for remedying current problems and overcoming obstacles.
Individuals are endowed with rights and presented with a set of responsibilties by a Transcendent authority and power, referred to as the Creator in our Declaration of Independence. No human being is superior or inferior in endowment of these rights and responsibilities. Individual's rights and responsibilities are not subject to abrogation by any other power or authority such as government.
The purpose of government is to secure each person's endowed rights and allow the free excercise of individual responsibility which develops the character and virtue necessary for self-control and independence.
In contrast Socialist Philosophy presuposes an anarchy of predators and victims until a government creates the protective framework of law and law enforcement in which the group - civil and human - rights can be granted. Individuals do not have self control, they must be controlled.
Individual rights are inalienable insofar as we acknowledge a Higher Authority and Power thaat endows them. Even though we come to this realization through Spiritual practice and by respecting Natural Law, Government is not to impose any Theist or Atheist Religion, set of practices, moralities, code of ethics, responsiblities, laws, legislation, standards, regulations, policies or interferences to the individual's liberty and freedom of choice in any way unless agreed upon in the foundational documents and in line with the principles upon which they are based (e.g. Israelite Society as outlined in the original Hebrew Documents of Moses).
The following rights and responsibilities are necessary for a functioning society and healthy and free individuals.
Individual Human Beings(1) have transcendent and inalienable rights, among which but not limited to, are the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, ownership/stewardship, free speech and free will.
Responsibility is essential to Rights.
Rights can only be manifested if supported, preserved and maintained by the cooperation of responsible individuals and the society they form. Equal rights require Equal and reciprocal responsibilities. To preserve your right to life your neighbor must not kill you and you must not kill them. A military is formed from pooling your resources and efforts to protect everyone from outside threats to life which you as an individual are not powerful or skilled enough to accomplish. To protect your right to free speech your neighbor must not censor you and you must not censor them. Rights are balanced and safely bounded by responsibility. For instance, you don't speak words that incite to kill or harm your neighbor physically and Police formed from pooling your resources and efforts are charged with restraining an individual by force, law or penalty.
Individual Human Beings have the responsibility to:
Manage Power and Authority. Since the source of Human rights and responsibilities is transcendent, do not elevate or give undue credence to any other power or authority or their symbols, rituals and propaganda. As well, your safety and security does not rely on Powers and Authorities such as a King, Dictator, Strongman, Great Leader or Big Government. Depending on any of those always results in tyranny, slavery, loss of character, crime and poverty.
Respect Liberty. Taxation without representation is Slavery. A person's wealth is the outcome of their Liberty to choose and investment of their time (Life). Forced taking of Life and Liberty or the results thereof (Property) is Slavery.
Government in the small and equal justice for all. Only local government has a chance at being intelligent enough to be compassionate, balanced, effective, accountable and as least corrupt as possible.
Respect ownership. Property is a person's Life and Liberty invested. Refrain from direct theft or indirect theft through falsifying weights and measures. (2)
Protect yourself and others from theft.
Own up to the consequences of your actions and stop pointing the finger of responsibility at everyone else.
Respect Stewardship. You the individual and no one else is the steward for the wealth you own. The responsibility of your stewardship is to provide Social Balance/Charity. (3)
Society may not usurp your responsibility by stealing and "re-distributing" your wealth .
Manage Jealousy and feeling entitled. You are not entitled to your neighbor's spouse, house, property, family or any aspect of their lives you didn't earn yourself. Don't let these feelings cause theft, racism, adultery or over consumption (the need to keep up with your neighbors). Socialism preys on jealousy of unequal wealth and outcomes.
Do not adulterate your values with foreign ones. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Be vigilant to teach your children FAV, practice FAV in all your endevours and see through the invalid promises and propaganda of other philosophies.
Judge yourself fairly. It's OK to be you. You were created this way for a reason. Compare only to yourself not to others when judging your own worth and success. Then you will not have a need to put yourself or others down. (4)
Know and Love yourself and direct your caring (not your judgement) to your neighbors. Before you can fix the world you must be OK with yourself and take care of your family and local community. Inner Peace-> Family Harmony-> neighborhood, State, Country, and only then World Peace.
We even have this encoded in the word Kind. Take care of your Kinder (Kids), Kin (extended family), Kind (larger groups of similar people), Human Kind (entire group).
Treat your neighbors as equals. Express kindness directly and not through layers of bureaucracy where it becomes a relationship of superiority and dependence.
Respect Truth. Refrain from lying as a witness against your neighbor or lying to yourself through self-delusion and rationalization. Do not use deceptive language.
Complete Truth is essential to live in Wholeness/Peace. (5)
Respect Human life. Do not murder or allow yourself or others to be murdered (killing in self defense or defense of your neighbor is not murder it is life saving).
Do not murder reputations through gossip, rumor or lies.
Respect all other life. Protect animals in a reasonable way from cruelty and reasonably protect their habitat in a manner balanced by Human needs. (6)
Maintain a reasonable stewardship of our Planet's environment balanced by and weighted towards Human needs.
(Do not elevate other powers or authority by worshiping the Earth/Gaia, environment or animals).
Reflection and connection. Respect, remember and nourish reflection and a connection with the transcendent in your daily life and by devoting one day a week or a weekend to family, community building and this pursuit instead of work.
Develop sensitivity to transcendent guidance in your endeavors.
Respecting Truth and Stewardship:
Think things through. Explore all the ramifications of personal action and government decisions, legislation, laws and regulations.
Accountability. Government is not immune from liability, Legislators and Regulators should be accountable and responsible for consequences of the laws they create and vote on.
Feedback and follow up is essential for correction of decisions. All govermental actions should be followed up and results reported and evaluated. If there are unseen consequences that violate the bounds of the rights and responsibilites then the decisons , law or regulation must be corrected immediately.
Created Equal but not the same. All humans have equal endowed rights and responsibility to protect and ensure those endowed rights. There are no classes of humans with superior or inferior endowed rights and responsibilities.
All Human beings have equal value and worth but every individual is different. Individuals are not equal in talent, looks, intelligence, ability etc. It is their individual right to liberty not to be forced to be the same as anyone else or to be forced to have equal outcomes with anyone else.
Individuals have equal right to ownership but not to equal wealth.
Demanding Equal results in wealth is a function of Jealousy and unrealistically, lazily and petulantly ignores the entire life, circumstances and effort that was the price paid for the wealth. If you want something another has, you must be that other person and go through all that they have gone through.
If you want to be a great violinist then you must put in the ten thousand hours of practice and performance time to develop the knowledge, muscle skill, memory, musical pattern recognition, maturity and skill to express your talent.
Jealousy of a violinist will not make you a violinist. Legislation will not make you a violinist.
Life is not fair or balanced and that is as it should be. It is up to the individual to attain the character and wealth to be able to make the balance corrections not the courts or government short circuiting the process through theft or the fiat of a ruling, regulation or law.
Impartial Judges
People are equal in the eyes of the court but are unequal in talent, looks, health etc. Unequal people are treated equally without favoritism.
Justice is blind. Judges are impartial arbiters who do not favor the poor or the rich, the liberal or the conservative, the religious or the atheist, the Socialist or the Capitalist, nor the Man or the Woman. Since Socialism arises from immature human emotions its judgment is one-sided. By Definition a judge must not favor any side. Since Socialists must always side with the victim they do not qualify as Judges.
A so called "Activist" Judge is not a Judge at all. They are usurpers of legislative authority. A judge is not a lawmaker. Changes to the law and interpretation of the law comes from the people and the legislators not the Judges! A Judge may participate in the debate but the legislators and the people decide.
Government laws, regulations and decisions are to be guided and bounded by the foundational rights and responsibilities.
Balance - Virtues do not function on their own. One or more other virtues or principles must also be considered before action. For instance safety is balanced by happiness. The decision to close down all ski resorts due to safety must be tempered by allowing the happiness of skiing. Charity is balanced by the right of ownership and protection against theft. We don't steal to obtain money for charity. Society conducting charity violates Society's responsibility of Justice. Justice shows no favoritism and does not favor rich over poor. The Free market is by it's nature unequal. It rewards merit. Evening it out causes everyone to be poor and is antithetical to charity.
Charity is an individual responsibility to balance inequity and calamity and is balanced by truth and prudence.
Do not do to others what is hateful. - Hillel
First do no harm. - Hippocratic oath
The Rights which tell people what not to do to you are the most important.
Our assumptions are more accurate if they come from a conciousness of supply not lack. No prediction of disaster due to overpopulation, alleged dwindling of resources, pollution or any negative assesment of our future has been correct. We have and we will overcome any challenge through our proven ingenuity and ability to access an infinite source of knowledge coming from our connection to the trancendent.
However we also have a large capacity for self-delusion and must be on guard for groups which use unquestionable authority, propaganda and brainwashing techniques to instill false beliefs that lead to perversions of morality e.g. perverted charity in the form of Socialism, perverted self-defense rationalizations justifying Terrorism, perverted longing for connection to the divine justifying conversion or death, perverted morality that leads to controlling people "For their own good" etc..
Attempting to control individuals from a central authority as in Monarchy, Dictatorship, State Religion and all forms of collectivism such as Socialism and Communism abrogates the individual's free will to choose what is best for them and what their responsibility to others shall be.
Group "rights" originate from it's individuals therefore individual rights supersede the rights of a group. Civil authority must yield to individual rights and responsibilities.
Human beings are never property even in indentured servitude, jail (temporary lockup) or prison (Long term incarceration).
(1) A Human Being is defined as a living organic organism made of Human DNA (with reasonable genetic modification). Anything not organic such as machines, artificial intelligence etc. is not a human being. Any organism genetically non-human such as animals, fish, plants etc. even if modified to contain some human DNA is not a human being.
(2) Taking from one to give to another is direct theft. Socialism is theft. Progressive taxation is theft. Inflation through government control of money supply is indirect theft.
(3) Social Balance and Charity is providing opportunity and education for others to earn wealth and emergency needs of food clothing shelter and medical attention.
(4) Manifestations include racial, ethnic, lifetyle, gender and all other slurs, bullying, gang behavior, name calling, gossip, backstabbing etc.
(5) How is truth ascertained. The original language word for truth, Emmet, consists of the first middle and last letter of the original language alphabet (Aleph Mem Taf). Truth is comprehensive and not partial. The complete truth is discerned through an open mind that is not lying to itself or rationalizing. A mind that can pay attention to all opinions, viewpoints, propaganda slants, and media bias without emphasis on one aspect that hides another. In schools and in daily life, not lying to ourselves and finding out all aspects and facts leads to wholeness in our perceptions, decisions and character through which we can come to Peace/Completeness. The relationship between Peace and Wholeness is keyed into the original language (Called Edenic or Proto-Semitic). The root SLM forms the word ShaLoM which means Peace. ShaLaiM from the same root means Wholeness. FYI the Hebrew Shalom, Arabic Saalam, English Salem/Solemn/So Long/Serene come from the same root.
For more information see:
(6) Development and building a hospital reasonably supersedes protecting the habitat or path of an endangered species when the species can relocate. If a bear is about to kill a human you shoot the bear.
Individual Human Beings form a society to magnify what they can accomplish as individuals.
The purpose of society is to maximize the amount of freedom for each individual while maintaining their safety and security.
For society to function and support the highest quality of life for it's members there must be an agreement between it's individuals to observe a common foundation of individual rights, responsibilities, principles, morality and a code of ethics.
Government, consisting of individuals given power by individuals, must be constrained and it's decisions informed, by this common foundation.
This common foundation outlines the boundries which shape our society. Without the boundry of our skin we couldn’t live. Without the boundries of time and space we could not exist. Without boundries society can not function.
Our society's foundation documents are the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States.
The founding documents are based on, but only partially codified the society's ["Judeo-Christian"] morals, ethics, principles and responsibilities. These were considered general knowledge and self evident during the Founder's time.
This lack of explicitness has made it easier for Politicians, Educators, Media and "Judges" to lead our country adrift with policies and education based on the foreign "morality" of Socialism, Enviromentalism, Racism, Atheism, moral relativism, Darwinism, Humanism, Islamism and other societal systems based on elitist government control of supposedly unworthy or inferior individuals. This is antithetical to the survival of our society and it's economy. We have moved from the middle balance toward Tyranny on the left.
We therefore believe it is timely and proper to clarify and codify the common foundation necessary for our United States Society with explanations, ramifications and prescriptions for remedying current problems and overcoming obstacles.
Individuals are endowed with rights and presented with a set of responsibilties by a Transcendent authority and power, referred to as the Creator in our Declaration of Independence. No human being is superior or inferior in endowment of these rights and responsibilities. Individual's rights and responsibilities are not subject to abrogation by any other power or authority such as government.
The purpose of government is to secure each person's endowed rights and allow the free excercise of individual responsibility which develops the character and virtue necessary for self-control and independence.
In contrast Socialist Philosophy presuposes an anarchy of predators and victims until a government creates the protective framework of law and law enforcement in which the group - civil and human - rights can be granted. Individuals do not have self control, they must be controlled.
Individual rights are inalienable insofar as we acknowledge a Higher Authority and Power thaat endows them. Even though we come to this realization through Spiritual practice and by respecting Natural Law, Government is not to impose any Theist or Atheist Religion, set of practices, moralities, code of ethics, responsiblities, laws, legislation, standards, regulations, policies or interferences to the individual's liberty and freedom of choice in any way unless agreed upon in the foundational documents and in line with the principles upon which they are based (e.g. Israelite Society as outlined in the original Hebrew Documents of Moses).
The following rights and responsibilities are necessary for a functioning society and healthy and free individuals.
Individual Human Beings(1) have transcendent and inalienable rights, among which but not limited to, are the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, ownership/stewardship, free speech and free will.
Responsibility is essential to Rights.
Rights can only be manifested if supported, preserved and maintained by the cooperation of responsible individuals and the society they form. Equal rights require Equal and reciprocal responsibilities. To preserve your right to life your neighbor must not kill you and you must not kill them. A military is formed from pooling your resources and efforts to protect everyone from outside threats to life which you as an individual are not powerful or skilled enough to accomplish. To protect your right to free speech your neighbor must not censor you and you must not censor them. Rights are balanced and safely bounded by responsibility. For instance, you don't speak words that incite to kill or harm your neighbor physically and Police formed from pooling your resources and efforts are charged with restraining an individual by force, law or penalty.
Individual Human Beings have the responsibility to:
Manage Power and Authority. Since the source of Human rights and responsibilities is transcendent, do not elevate or give undue credence to any other power or authority or their symbols, rituals and propaganda. As well, your safety and security does not rely on Powers and Authorities such as a King, Dictator, Strongman, Great Leader or Big Government. Depending on any of those always results in tyranny, slavery, loss of character, crime and poverty.
Respect Liberty. Taxation without representation is Slavery. A person's wealth is the outcome of their Liberty to choose and investment of their time (Life). Forced taking of Life and Liberty or the results thereof (Property) is Slavery.
Government in the small and equal justice for all. Only local government has a chance at being intelligent enough to be compassionate, balanced, effective, accountable and as least corrupt as possible.
Respect ownership. Property is a person's Life and Liberty invested. Refrain from direct theft or indirect theft through falsifying weights and measures. (2)
Protect yourself and others from theft.
Own up to the consequences of your actions and stop pointing the finger of responsibility at everyone else.
Respect Stewardship. You the individual and no one else is the steward for the wealth you own. The responsibility of your stewardship is to provide Social Balance/Charity. (3)
Society may not usurp your responsibility by stealing and "re-distributing" your wealth .
Manage Jealousy and feeling entitled. You are not entitled to your neighbor's spouse, house, property, family or any aspect of their lives you didn't earn yourself. Don't let these feelings cause theft, racism, adultery or over consumption (the need to keep up with your neighbors). Socialism preys on jealousy of unequal wealth and outcomes.
Do not adulterate your values with foreign ones. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Be vigilant to teach your children FAV, practice FAV in all your endevours and see through the invalid promises and propaganda of other philosophies.
Judge yourself fairly. It's OK to be you. You were created this way for a reason. Compare only to yourself not to others when judging your own worth and success. Then you will not have a need to put yourself or others down. (4)
Know and Love yourself and direct your caring (not your judgement) to your neighbors. Before you can fix the world you must be OK with yourself and take care of your family and local community. Inner Peace-> Family Harmony-> neighborhood, State, Country, and only then World Peace.
We even have this encoded in the word Kind. Take care of your Kinder (Kids), Kin (extended family), Kind (larger groups of similar people), Human Kind (entire group).
Treat your neighbors as equals. Express kindness directly and not through layers of bureaucracy where it becomes a relationship of superiority and dependence.
Respect Truth. Refrain from lying as a witness against your neighbor or lying to yourself through self-delusion and rationalization. Do not use deceptive language.
Complete Truth is essential to live in Wholeness/Peace. (5)
Respect Human life. Do not murder or allow yourself or others to be murdered (killing in self defense or defense of your neighbor is not murder it is life saving).
Do not murder reputations through gossip, rumor or lies.
Respect all other life. Protect animals in a reasonable way from cruelty and reasonably protect their habitat in a manner balanced by Human needs. (6)
Maintain a reasonable stewardship of our Planet's environment balanced by and weighted towards Human needs.
(Do not elevate other powers or authority by worshiping the Earth/Gaia, environment or animals).
Reflection and connection. Respect, remember and nourish reflection and a connection with the transcendent in your daily life and by devoting one day a week or a weekend to family, community building and this pursuit instead of work.
Develop sensitivity to transcendent guidance in your endeavors.
Respecting Truth and Stewardship:
Think things through. Explore all the ramifications of personal action and government decisions, legislation, laws and regulations.
Accountability. Government is not immune from liability, Legislators and Regulators should be accountable and responsible for consequences of the laws they create and vote on.
Feedback and follow up is essential for correction of decisions. All govermental actions should be followed up and results reported and evaluated. If there are unseen consequences that violate the bounds of the rights and responsibilites then the decisons , law or regulation must be corrected immediately.
Created Equal but not the same. All humans have equal endowed rights and responsibility to protect and ensure those endowed rights. There are no classes of humans with superior or inferior endowed rights and responsibilities.
All Human beings have equal value and worth but every individual is different. Individuals are not equal in talent, looks, intelligence, ability etc. It is their individual right to liberty not to be forced to be the same as anyone else or to be forced to have equal outcomes with anyone else.
Individuals have equal right to ownership but not to equal wealth.
Demanding Equal results in wealth is a function of Jealousy and unrealistically, lazily and petulantly ignores the entire life, circumstances and effort that was the price paid for the wealth. If you want something another has, you must be that other person and go through all that they have gone through.
If you want to be a great violinist then you must put in the ten thousand hours of practice and performance time to develop the knowledge, muscle skill, memory, musical pattern recognition, maturity and skill to express your talent.
Jealousy of a violinist will not make you a violinist. Legislation will not make you a violinist.
Life is not fair or balanced and that is as it should be. It is up to the individual to attain the character and wealth to be able to make the balance corrections not the courts or government short circuiting the process through theft or the fiat of a ruling, regulation or law.
Impartial Judges
People are equal in the eyes of the court but are unequal in talent, looks, health etc. Unequal people are treated equally without favoritism.
Justice is blind. Judges are impartial arbiters who do not favor the poor or the rich, the liberal or the conservative, the religious or the atheist, the Socialist or the Capitalist, nor the Man or the Woman. Since Socialism arises from immature human emotions its judgment is one-sided. By Definition a judge must not favor any side. Since Socialists must always side with the victim they do not qualify as Judges.
A so called "Activist" Judge is not a Judge at all. They are usurpers of legislative authority. A judge is not a lawmaker. Changes to the law and interpretation of the law comes from the people and the legislators not the Judges! A Judge may participate in the debate but the legislators and the people decide.
Government laws, regulations and decisions are to be guided and bounded by the foundational rights and responsibilities.
Balance - Virtues do not function on their own. One or more other virtues or principles must also be considered before action. For instance safety is balanced by happiness. The decision to close down all ski resorts due to safety must be tempered by allowing the happiness of skiing. Charity is balanced by the right of ownership and protection against theft. We don't steal to obtain money for charity. Society conducting charity violates Society's responsibility of Justice. Justice shows no favoritism and does not favor rich over poor. The Free market is by it's nature unequal. It rewards merit. Evening it out causes everyone to be poor and is antithetical to charity.
Charity is an individual responsibility to balance inequity and calamity and is balanced by truth and prudence.
Do not do to others what is hateful. - Hillel
First do no harm. - Hippocratic oath
The Rights which tell people what not to do to you are the most important.
Our assumptions are more accurate if they come from a conciousness of supply not lack. No prediction of disaster due to overpopulation, alleged dwindling of resources, pollution or any negative assesment of our future has been correct. We have and we will overcome any challenge through our proven ingenuity and ability to access an infinite source of knowledge coming from our connection to the trancendent.
However we also have a large capacity for self-delusion and must be on guard for groups which use unquestionable authority, propaganda and brainwashing techniques to instill false beliefs that lead to perversions of morality e.g. perverted charity in the form of Socialism, perverted self-defense rationalizations justifying Terrorism, perverted longing for connection to the divine justifying conversion or death, perverted morality that leads to controlling people "For their own good" etc..
Attempting to control individuals from a central authority as in Monarchy, Dictatorship, State Religion and all forms of collectivism such as Socialism and Communism abrogates the individual's free will to choose what is best for them and what their responsibility to others shall be.
Group "rights" originate from it's individuals therefore individual rights supersede the rights of a group. Civil authority must yield to individual rights and responsibilities.
Human beings are never property even in indentured servitude, jail (temporary lockup) or prison (Long term incarceration).
(1) A Human Being is defined as a living organic organism made of Human DNA (with reasonable genetic modification). Anything not organic such as machines, artificial intelligence etc. is not a human being. Any organism genetically non-human such as animals, fish, plants etc. even if modified to contain some human DNA is not a human being.
(2) Taking from one to give to another is direct theft. Socialism is theft. Progressive taxation is theft. Inflation through government control of money supply is indirect theft.
(3) Social Balance and Charity is providing opportunity and education for others to earn wealth and emergency needs of food clothing shelter and medical attention.
(4) Manifestations include racial, ethnic, lifetyle, gender and all other slurs, bullying, gang behavior, name calling, gossip, backstabbing etc.
(5) How is truth ascertained. The original language word for truth, Emmet, consists of the first middle and last letter of the original language alphabet (Aleph Mem Taf). Truth is comprehensive and not partial. The complete truth is discerned through an open mind that is not lying to itself or rationalizing. A mind that can pay attention to all opinions, viewpoints, propaganda slants, and media bias without emphasis on one aspect that hides another. In schools and in daily life, not lying to ourselves and finding out all aspects and facts leads to wholeness in our perceptions, decisions and character through which we can come to Peace/Completeness. The relationship between Peace and Wholeness is keyed into the original language (Called Edenic or Proto-Semitic). The root SLM forms the word ShaLoM which means Peace. ShaLaiM from the same root means Wholeness. FYI the Hebrew Shalom, Arabic Saalam, English Salem/Solemn/So Long/Serene come from the same root.
For more information see:
(6) Development and building a hospital reasonably supersedes protecting the habitat or path of an endangered species when the species can relocate. If a bear is about to kill a human you shoot the bear.
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