Government in the small and virtue from all.

Friday, November 27, 2009

It is time to Choose.

It is time to choose whether our actions and government will be motivated by mindful love that celebrates achievement or by primitive fear and jealousy that seeks to tear everything down. 

We are Right and they are Wrong - The Wilkow Majority

To the Socialist this statement sounds abhorent and discriminatory.  Right is determined by who is the victim not some absolute morality. However this type of affirmation can be helpful in combating the confusion caused by Socialist propaganda/hypnosis that is so prevalent in the USA.

See: Am I in a trance?

We are inundated by movies, news, politics, print and digital media, education and thousands of regulations, laws and policies based on Socialist philosophy that have been foisted on the country.

Socialist philosophy as well as Radical Islamic/ Jihadist/Islamist philosophy is antithetical and dangerous to the foundational principles, ethics, morality and responsibilties of our society.  Socialism and Islamism are destructive, tyranical philosophies that take away individual freedom and destroy any semblance of a Foundational American society. 

It is either Foundational American or their philosophy!! 

It is impossible to mix ours with theirs without the individuals of the USA declining in wealth and character and eventually destroying our economy and society. 

We must choose between the blessing and the curse so to speak.  Choosing our way leads to life.  Choosing Radical Islam or Socialism does not.

The struggle to abolish our servitude to Socialism is akin to what we went through in abolishing Slavery.  Imagining life without Slavery required an extraordinary effort. The same reasons that led to inertia and resistance to abolition then, are present today in respect to our Socialist policies.  10 reasons why Slavery took so long to abolish.  We did it then and we can still do it now.

Socialists and Islamists are not swayed by Foundational American Values and neither should we be swayed by theirs. 

Although we are taught not to reject anyone based on their beliefs and that it is wrong to discriminate, please realize that is a Socialist philosophy.  We must be able to use our faculties of discrimination to weed out what is right for us from what is wrong.

In any case, Foundational American values do not reject the individual Muslim or Socialist but we must reject their philosophy and skewed (From our perspective) beliefs. 

It is a war for the survival of the great United States Social experiment and we have already surrendered too much.  This is a call to wake up from the hypnotic trance they create through propaganda and the media and take back the USA. Victory is returning the USA to its foundational values and throwing out all Socialist values and systems. 

"Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts - not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
-- Abraham Lincoln

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