Government in the small and virtue from all.

Friday, May 14, 2010

What are we doing?

Government in the small and virtue from all.

To fix the world, we don't have to be perfect, just decent.

Note:  Current version can be found here:

This blueprint is not associated with any Political Party.   In fact we feel Powerful Parties and factions are destructive to representative government as did George Washington in his farewell speech.
Our goal is fundamental Restoration not Transformation of  the original limited government led by George Washington.

Transformation has led to the growth of  a huge, powerful and rich government that since 1913 is dedicated to stealing our wealth, empowering corrupt politicians and forcing us to comply with their whims.

The mechanism for stealing our wealth is the progressive Income Tax  (Why the theft not the love of money is the root of all evil) and indirectly the Federal Reserve which falsifies weights and measures in commerce (by diluting the value of our money) that appears to us as inflation.

Through tax breaks government controls our behavior and with social programs creates a dependent class of over half the people to assure the votes they need to stay in power and continue the theft. 

To end this parasitical government structure (which we will call a Socialist Democracy) before it bankrupts us and consumes all our liberty we must remove the abusive power from the Federal government and it's agencies and throw out all Socialist values, systems and policies which sacrifice the individual for the "good" of the group. 
We must restore our free market (The Intelligent free market) and original, limited government system based on individual rights and responsibilities as laid out in our founding documents.

"The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin." - Mark Twain 

Let's cure all our problems by cutting off their root -  the abusive power of the Federal government and it's unlimited funding via taxation and control of our currency.

--> What Steps To Take.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to Restore America to its Foundational Values and Constitutionally Limited Government. 
We present the blueprint for restoring America to a more local and limited Government that is funded and directed from the bottom up not the top down. 
This corrects the moral hazard of easy and unlimited funds that sustains corruption in government.

Foundational American Values are no longer self evident as they were to Americans in 1776.   

Therefore we present America's foundational values (principles, ethics, morals) and the standards on which our society was built, against which all individual and government behavior can and must be judged. (sometimes referred to as "Rule of Law" vs. Rule of Men).    

Hate, prejudice and other evils are Socialized into people. 
People are trained by their culture and peers to be Neo-Nazis, Islamic Jihadists and Socialist victims.  Moral hazards such as welfare, housing projects, entitlement mentality, government granted rights, government charity, Debt, lack of personal responsibility, dependency on government, Central planning, excess political power, direct taxation of the people, Bureaucracy, regulation of the free economy, nonsensical regulations etc. create a slippery slope for people to slide into criminality.

Only adherence to Foundational American Values prevents behavior and character from being corrupted!

We outline both short and long term goals and the steps needed to achieve them.

Government in the small leads to justice for all.   Government in the large leads to a tyranny in charge.  

Power Corrupts.  The only way to remove corruption is to remove the power not the individual politician.  Otherwise, we will "Meet the new boss same as the old boss" - The Who.

  • Money -  Eliminate the mechanisms for government theft.   Taxation of wealth, debt financing, printing money which causes inflation and a bankrupt currency backed only by debt not a real commodity such as gold and silver. 

  • Control - No taxation of wealth means no IRS, no lobbyists and no control through exemptions.  Eliminate Executive branch regulatory agencies and restore lawmaking to Congress.  Restore States Power and fund government from the bottom up not through unconstitutional direct taxation. 

  • Our voice - Restore representation of the people not representation of a party or faction. 

  • Be Informed - We have a century of propaganda (renamed Public Relations) to overcome. 

  • Cork the bottle- The government is not a genie to grant all our wishes.  The constitution is supposed to bind it for all time and must not be interpreted otherwise.

BE AWARE - Systems that allow a powerful government can not be fixed!   The Systems must be removed and the government controlled. 

Get beyond changing Politicians and tinkering with the current large governmental systems to restoration of Limited Constitutional Government as contracted by our founders.  

In our two party system there is no Elephant and Donkey, just Bull 

Campaign pretense of Democrats and RINOs (Republican in name only).

The purpose of government is to control and protect us from that which we as individuals can not control such as military and criminal threats.   To be a free American and maintain liberty we the people must be self governed and self-controlled by our Foundational American Values (FAV) or the Government will exert even greater control and rule over us in a tyranny. 

People help people, Governments help themselves. 

The Politicians and bureaucrats who run the government are just as flawed and greedy as the rest of us.   The greedy in government do not protect us from greed, they merely monopolize it.    

 "What the mind of man can conceive, and believe, the mind of man can achieve."
-Napoleon Hill

Yes we can, if we imagine the "impossible" and make a plan.  
- The Society Project

"Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Until Politicians recognize our country's Foundational American Values as their contract, a good first step is to give Politicians a Contract from America. 

  1. Protect the Constitution
  2. Reject Cap & Trade
  3. Demand a Balanced Budget
  4. Enact Fundamental Tax Reform
  5. Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government
  6. End Runaway Government Spending
  7. De-fund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care
  8. Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy
  9. Stop the Pork
  10. Stop the Tax Hikes

But there is a lot more that needs to be done, so please read on...